Friday, February 6, 2009


Another day in the clinic for a chemo shot and blood drawn for labs. Yay, more sitting around waiting. 

The test results from the lumbar puncture came back as clear and beautiful as ever. This isn't going to be the last one though, and he's not looking forward to more. They're the worst thing about this whole process so far. He gets pretty bad headaches from it for days.

The bone marrow biopsy came back at 2% saturation or something like that. We don't have the original test paperwork from the biopsy done at the new year, and neither did the nurse, so we don't know what kind of improvement that is. We have to wait until they get a copy of the first biopsy from the lab to compare it to. Even then, he will probably get another biopsy done at the beginning of March. He's not declared officially in remission until the biopsy comes back at 0%.

The full chemo intensive treatment he is on is called the Larson Regimen, which is a series of cycles covering seven months. February is month two, so he should be done the active treatment portion by the beginning of August if all goes well. Then he enters the "maintenance" part of the schedule which is a clinic visit once per month, and a series of pills. 

KD's immune system is still holding strong, which means he can stay off the restricted diet, go outside, visit people (with a mask on), pet the dogs and cats, etc. If the weather gets nice, I'd like to take him to a park over the weekend so he can walk and get exercise in a different environment. All he sees these days is the hospital and the inside of my house. And sometimes I have to drag him into CVS to fill his prescriptions. That's excitement! If he had more energy, I'm sure he would be climbing the walls with his teeth and toenails by now :-)

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