Wednesday, March 25, 2009


I have to admit I seriously kicked ass today. KD's been groaning and complaining about aching muscles for a week now but he won't do anything. His exercise consists of pacing back and forth in the back yard. I told you he won't take a walk in the neighborhood because "people might see him."

Well after I took the dogs for a walk this evening, I took KD on a walk. I didn't put him on a leash, but I did threaten to. He was a cranky, surly baby about it. He was grouchy the whole walk. I'm sure he'll complain about it for days.

Let's face it though, he was getting kind of lazy. Yes, I know he has cancer. Believe me... I KNOW that. But he's still turning into a couch potato. So whether he likes it or not, he's just signed up with a trainer named Radha who will be dragging his lazy behind out for real walks.

As for the bigger dilemma about the radiation therapy, that still hangs in the balance. I'll let you know once a decision has been made. We've got a few more days to argue about it and pretend like we know what we're arguing about. 

In the mean time, he's almost done the seasons of Weeds we have on DVD. Anyone have suggestions for something else for him to try next? (Funny is best) He loved Scrubs, and got to like The Office. Any suggestions would be welcome...

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