Wednesday, March 18, 2009


KD is still having trouble accepting his bald head. He swipes his hands along his head and acts like he's pulling his pony tail back tightly. Then he looks puzzled. As if his hair just disappeared.

Sometimes I come into the room and he's slapping the top of his head gently not unlike an orangutan. He pats it and pokes it and scratches it and sneaks up on it to swirl his fingers over the stubble. But it's just not there. Can you imagine? He's been letting his hair grow out since he was about fourteen. Almost twenty years. And now it's just not there.

Actually it's trying to grow in a bit. Not evenly. and not anything like it used to be. Half of it fell out completely, and of what's left, nine out of ten hairs are just sitting there like hippies at a rally. But that last one out of every ten is really trying to gain altitude. These guys are wispier than his sturdy, glossy Mexican-Indian hairs. But they're growing. And instead if growing outward from his head, they're all growing straight up.

Yeah, yeah, you say. Enough about his hair or lack of hair. What else is going on with him? Not much really. The chemo regimen he's on is a total of seven months, with an additional two years of 'maintenance' where they just check up on him. We're in the third month which was almost the same schedule of chemo treatments as the second month. It's just not that interesting because we've been through this song and dance once already.

Next month is cranial radiation (you have to imagine me saying that in a spooky voice because it looks weird when I type it in a spooky voice :-)

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