Thursday, March 12, 2009


KD is probably one of the few cancer patients in his stage that is willing and able to eat. But this is just unhealthy if you ask me. He's become addicted to trawling YouTube for cooking shows. The good, the bad, and the ugly... he's been watching them all.

I came home to find out we were going to buy a food processor soon since all of the cooks had them. Which came to the usual debate over the pros and cons of sweet potatoes (I love them but he is suspicious of them). And of course from there came the even bigger debate about insects ... I think they are not and never should be food, where he says he would probably try one for the hell of it. Yuck!

But at least he's able to eat. No one can tell us why he's not nauseous like 95% of the other chemo patients. He eats like a horse some days. As if he really can't feel that sensation that says he's full. I worry he might burst like a goldfish one day. Again... Yuck!

One more day of chemo and then a three day weekend. Woo-hoo!

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