Friday, March 20, 2009


Yes, I skipped another day blogging yesterday. I had to go to bed early for some dental work this morning.

So I'm sitting there in the chair (way too early) with all twenty of the dentist's and assistant's fingers in my mouth, as well as several large tools, and Dr. G is trying desperately to put a few stitches in my gum with so little space in there. My face is being pulled off my head. The sutures are tearing my gum. I taste blood. And I cannot help but cherish the irony of the song that came on the radio right then... Shania Twain singing 'Man, I Feel Like a Woman'. 

Totally jumping topic ... It must be this insane amount of pollen screwing up KD's fragile system, but he's had a few nose bleeds in the last few day. And now he's developed a funny little rash on his forearm which could be from where the cat curled up with him last night. 

The problem is, if this keeps up and he gets another nose bleed, it could mean his platelets are too low to handle the bother to his system. That mean an impromptu visit to the clinic for an unscheduled unit of blood.

Other than little things like that, everything is hunky-dorey over this way. KD is bored out of his cotton-picking mind. He's been sorting through old CDs and (gasp!) cassette tapes for lack of anything interesting to do. I may have to start sending him to daycare to keep him occupied.

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