Sunday, March 22, 2009


Gosh, did I skip another post yesterday? Is this becoming a bad habit? Nah ... I take it back. I'm merely saving everyone from having to read yet another boring post about how KD is doing okay, eating a lot, and getting into trouble.

Okay, the truth is that I went out Friday night AND Saturday night so instead of sitting here typing at the computer, I spent three hours each night in front of my closet yelling, "I have nothing to wear! Everything looks stupid on me! I'm going to die!"

Meanwhile KD is still taking it easy and eating A LOT! He's finished his The Office marathon and has switched to Weeds. He's restrung his guitar. He is doing laundry and listening to old old old CDs he found. He's learning to cook and totally rearranging my kitchen (grrrrrrrr....). 

Tomorrow is our consult appointment with the radiology department to talk about his next cycle of chemo which starts at the beginning of April. This should be interesting. By 'interesting', I mean 'scary'. Yikes! I am NOT picturing something out of one of those old black and white Frankenstein movies, I swear :-)

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