Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Well he's got a few more cycles of chemo .. he's on day 18 (i think) and there's 27 days in the full schedule... but they're already using terms like "release date" and "outpatient"! He's doing really well and they're all very optimistic about getting him launched from the BMTU soon. Like a happy little canoe :-)

He had an IV chemo and a sub-dermal chemo treatment today. Still having headaches from the lumbar puncture. And no sleep last night. So he's a bit out of sorts. When I left him tonight, he had an Ambien so maybe he'll get some sleep or something that resembles it.

I brought him one of his basses, and Kunti brought him lasagna, so he hit the jackpot today. Oh and he got pudding which makes him happy in the belly.

As far as I know, the out-patient treatment is still a busy and intense process too. It just means he's at home instead of in the hospital. He will not be at all ready to return to work yet, or even leave the house without a mask on. And from what I understand, they're going to want to do at least one more bone marrow biopsy to see if he's progressing well and the cancer isn't coming back on strong. He's not looking forward to that. 

Do I really want him home 24/7, bored out of his mind, and slowly getting his energy back? Yes, I want him to get better, but will I survive that part of it without sending him back to the hospital so I can get some rest?

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