Thursday, January 15, 2009


This is Day 10 of treatment for KD and he finally got the lumbar puncture they've been threatening for a while. He says it was painless (I'm an in agony every time he describes it though). The worst thing about it was the muscle relaxer they gave him before hand. He was still limp and dazed when I left there tonight. 

I still can't believe he asked to see the needle after they jabbed him with it! Eeeeew!

Anyway, the nurse said his spinal fluid was crystal clear and that was a good sign. Just more waiting on yet another test now I guess. They have to make sure no cancerous cells leaked into the spinal fluid ... eeeewww!

He also got another dose of chemo. On top of all of that and not being able to sleep much, he was a cranky bear tonight. He even consented to letting the nurse give him a sleeping aid. Miracle of miracles. He just won't complain about anything. I had to ask for another blanket for him because he was cold. He's so stoic about it all. (Can I have a chorus of "I'm going ot the garden to eat worms"? Anyone else know that song?)

Well his numbers are almost down to zero. Which is the goal. It also means he'll need to get another transfusion of blood. He was almost back to that pale greenish color from the day we checked him in. Why green? I don't know. Does that make him Vulcan or something? Not to mix nerd-metaphores, but he did look a little like Yoda today (don't tell him I said that :-).

He still needs a visit from a few of y'all (you know who I mean, so get your butts up there). And go ahead and give him a call if you have a few minutes. He looks forward to the little connections from the real world ... 352-871-6263.

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