Saturday, January 10, 2009


[From original email]

Late Friday night they gave KD more blood so they kept him awake all night checking his vitals until 6AM. He was quite tired and cranky by the time I got in to see him. 

He had a few visitors which wore him out the rest of the way so by the time he had his next treatment, he was ready for a long long nap. This was an injection, and they had to give him a tiny bit, then wait an hour to be sure he didn't have an allergic reaction. They even circled the injection site with a magic marker so they would know right away if he developed a blister or something funny. He's got so many needle marks and stuff by now, he looks like a junkie (hence the need for the PICC line which will remain for the rest of his treatment).

Other than that, nothing exciting to report. His white blood cell count is down to 400, which sounds big until you Google it and realize normal counts are between 5 and 10 *thousand*. The goal is to get to 0 of course which means his bone marrow has completely been bombed. Like shaking an Etch-a-Sketch upside down I guess. Complete reset.

On that note, I want to remind everyone that if you want to bring him anything, think about germs and bacteria. He cannot have fresh fruit or vegetables, or anything prepared in a restaurant where it could be exposed to yuck. And unfortunately he cannot have flowers of any kind. He does have some snazzy balloons now, and even though he pretends to be a grown-up, I know he likes them :-)

Same time tomorrow for an update from the KD fan club office :-)

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