Wednesday, February 4, 2009


Okay, I am a masochistic person I guess. I really really really (really, really really....) hate needles. Like hypodermic needles. Yuckers! Well yesterday while we were waiting for the nurse in the exam room, I was sitting with my back to the sharps disposal box. This is a red, opaque container where the staff discard all needles and anything sharp with biohazard issues (blood and eeew). But mostly needles. 

So of course my neck is prickling like crazy. I know they just did a bone marrow biopsy on KD in this room the day before. And they're about to do a lumbar puncture on him that day. And they use these giant ugly needles to do these things. What do you imagine I did? Sit there and maintain my treasured ignorance? No!

Silly me, I figured if KD had to have these horrible things done to him, I could at least know a little about it all. So I crane my head around and look into the open mouth of this container. I am not kidding you when I say these things are huge. Really. Like as big as a No. 2 pencil, with a handle on the end so they can get a good grip I guess. 

But the thing is, I'm not the crazy one out of us two... KD actually wants one of the damn needles as a souvenir when it's all over. Eeeew! That's as depressing as the WWII vets who keep the shrapnel from their war wounds. I guess you have to keep something around besides the scars and the bad memories to prove you lived through something that some people didn't.

Anyway, it gave KD a laugh to see me practically writhing on the floor in mental agony at the sight of the needles. Arrrgh!

Well, today I was at the low (snot-bubble, hacking, coughing, disgusting) phase of being sick so he got his mother to take him to his clinic appointment for a chemo shot. We thought if I showed up (dripping and spewing germs) at the BMTU clinic with a room full of patients with no immune system, they would probably spray me down with floor disinfectant and drop me down the nearest elevator shaft. It's awkward enough here at home keeping a good distance apart so he doesn't get my germs.

KD's on the low side of a roller-coaster hump today. The only way I can tell is that he didn't spend most of his time foraging in the kitchen. He had that heavy dose of chemo a few days ago and by now the effects start to kick in (the cancer cells are lycing which creates a build up of toxins that need to flush from his body). With any luck he'll just be tired tomorrow and Friday. He's been pretty lucky avoiding some of the other heavy side effects.

To close on a good note, and for another dose of the magical medicine called laughter, here's a favorite new limerick:

There was a young woman from Leeds,
who swallowed a packet of seeds,
within half an hour
her tits were in flower
and her fanny was covered in weeds.

(I never said this blog was rated G, by the way)

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