On the other hand, I spent the better part of the day unraveling the coded and complicated web of paperwork that has been showering down on us since early January. I finally had to gather ALL of the paperwork we've been getting and start a series of spreadsheets in Excel to track appointments, treatments, doctors, medications, fees, insurance, dates, etc etc etc. All KD heard from me today was my shouting about 81 cents. Somewhere, someone made an 81 cent error and it kept popping up, making me insane like something out of an Edgar Allan Poe poem.
But finally I have it all done and I can see what we're being charged for this very advanced and chaotic series of treatments. Some things are still a mystery. Like for the 20 days KD was in the hospital in his special room, there's a charge for "ICU" totalling over $42,000. Yes, that's the right amount of zeros. I'm assuming this has to do with the complete germ-free environment he was in for the duration. But I still had to double check those zeros again.
Don't have a heart attack (I've had a few so far and they're no fun). Once the insurance company is done their secret handshakes with the hospital, and someone has kissed the Don's ring, the final price to us is much less than that. I just hope this doesn't end up like Prizzi's Honor and I'm asked to go ice some guy one day in return for the favor I'm getting now. (Oh my lord, now I'm just hearing lines out of The Godfather, and it's no comfort.)
I'll leave you with good advice from Don Corleone himself then: "Do you spend time with your family? Good. Because a man that doesn't spend time with his family can never be a real man."
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