Sunday, February 1, 2009


It's been another eat-everything-in-sight day for KD. I think he's storing up for next week when he starts another cycle of chemo. 

Tomorrow is the dreaded bone marrow biopsy. The point of course is to make sure the cancer is disappearing. It doesn't make it any more fun. I hope it's not an omen that Monday is also Groundhog Day. Now *that* would be an awful day to keep having to relive (If you haven't seen the movie, you absolutely have to!).

We'll probably be at the hospital all day for that. And he'll feel pretty lousy for days after. Tuesday they should start chemo again. Basically all of this coming week is going to kind of suck. So I guess I'm saying he'll need some good thoughts and encouragement sent his way.. and don't nobody stress him out, all right?

Because of the chemo, he might have to go back on his restricted diet if his AGC goes back below 500. I'll keep you posted on that. That means no fresh fruit or veggies; everything pasteurized or cooked or canned or frozen. Nothing from restaurants or delis. Yada yada. 

Not much else to add here. I may be coming down with something and might have to wear a mask when interacting with him. I hope not. Those things are not very stylish. Maybe if they had Hello Kitty ones :-)

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