Friday, February 27, 2009


Ah! Tired.. tea and soul-less computer is about all I can handle tonight. We spent the day at Shands and now KD is totally passed out in bed.

It was supposed to just be one shot today, the last of this chemo cycle. Then next week we'd do all of the fun stuff at the start of the next cycle. But his blood labs came back looking kind of funky, so we got the full range of services offered by the hospital. As soon as they said bone marrow biopsy, he got really depressed. Sure, he was going to get one next Tuesday anyway, but that they rushed it forward wasn't a good sign.

And his white blood cell count plummeted since the last test, so he's back on his restricted diet (no fresh fruits and veggies, no restaurant or deli food, no yogurts or anything with live cultures, no fresh flowers or plants). There's also two more antibiotic pills to add to the list. Which sucks because these tend to be the expensive ones. Yes, I've heard we can get one for free at Publix, yay!

The reason for the bone marrow biopsy today is that they found 'new blood cells' in his blood. These are immature cells that shouldn't be present yet. Whenever something abnormal shows up in the blood, they want to look at the marrow to see what's going on. So KD got some lovely Ativan (lorazepam), and got jabbed with a few hugely overgrown needles.

And he was also low on blood so they put in a few quarts. When he gets blood, they give him benadryl. Along with the anxiety from the tests, and the other meds they gave him, he was toast by the end of the day. He'll probably sleep Saturday, and his leg will be sore from the biopsy. He's alos probably going to be very cranky. He was cranky tonight even though I made him pancakes.. who can be cranky after pancakes?

Gosh, I'm rambling now. I'll bugger off before I write five more pages about life in the BMTU. Nighty night!

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