That's how it is right now, and later he'll miss these days of boredom. The most exciting thing of the day was our morning argument over the meaning of the word list and why when you're making a list, the things on the list need to be in a list. Yada yada.
He's down to one pill daily (very pretty blue color too), and an additional one daily on the weekends. Very simple compared to some of the more involved pill schedules we've had to navigate.
I was originally trying to find some good cancer jokes online for everyone but they're all pretty bad. This is the best I could find.
The history of human medicine:
"I have a sore throat." ...
2000 BC : "Eat this root."
1200 AD : "That root is heathen, say this prayer."
1500 AD : "That prayer is superstition, drink this elixir."
1800 AD : "That elixir is snake oil, take this pill."
1900 AD : "That pill is ineffective, take this antibiotic."
2000 AD : "That antibiotic is artificial - here, why don't you eat this root?"
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