Saturday, January 24, 2009


It was KD's first full day home and he managed to only get into a little trouble. Besides breaking a few things, and almost breaking himself once, he made it through in good shape. What else can you say when your life is measured by the gaps between meals and pills, the the major highlight of the day is taking a shower? 

He's still eating like a horse, but he's trying to keep it under control since his body's not quite able to signal properly about being hungry or full. And he'd like to get his blood sugar levels back down for the diabetes. Other than that, he's looking forward to Monday's clinic visit where they might lift his dietary restrictions and let him eat fresh fruit and veggies again. He's been dreaming about fresh papaya. Yummy!

Now I realise it's Florida, but it is also still January. Is it too much to expect to be able to go shopping and actually find a warm hat to buy? Apparently we're supposed to be buying sunblock and beachwear now, but I doubt KD will want to wear a bikini wrapped around his bald head to keep warm. He's self-conscious enough appearing in public with a mask on. I did manage to find one hat and paid way too much money for it because I was desperate, so if anyone sees simple knit hats for sale anywhere, please let me know :-)

If you want to give him a call, you can still get his cell phone any time (except during naps which happened randomly) 352-871-6263. Or the house line 352-264-9662. He's not quite up to sitting at the computer here, and it'll be Monday before we get him the laptop. But eventually he'll be online again. If you don't have his email address yet, he's at, or you can find him on Facebook or MySpace too.

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