He won't have another treatment for a couple mor edays, so this would be a great time to call or visit if you want to. He's even drinking enough water and they're thinking of taking him off his IV drip so he can wander around without his "pole".
Special request to be more specific about his diet so here's the general rules ... his immune system is down, so anything that might contain bacteria or germs is not allowed. This includes: fresh fruit and veggies, anything prepared in a deli or restarant where it might have sat out or been exposed, yoghurt or aged cheese with live cultures or heavy amounts of fungus (eeew), pretty much anything that isn't home cooked under carefull conditions or prepackaged and pasturized. And since the medications already cause issues with his blood sugar levels (and he's diabetic already) he's trying to avoid anything with lots fo sugar or high fructose corn syrup.
That doesn't mean he's not eating. He's got a great appetite and has been getting lots of food. He looks so much better now than when we first checked him in exactly a week ago. If you want to bring him something to eat, just let us know so we can co-ordinate it. He's got access to a lot of food and the nurses are constantly trying to get him to eat more, so with any luck, he'll leave that place weighing much more than when he went in.
Thanks Damian for bringing in the portable DVD player and movies :-) Now KD has something to watch besides daytime cable which was making his brain melt. If anyone wants to bring him DVDs just keep it light .. he's into comedies to keep laughing. Nothing too heavy or serious. You might want to mark or label anything you lend him so we can make sure it gets back to the right person since his room is quickly becoming crowded with stuff from all over the place.
KD loves the bread Loka made (he finished the scones right away and looks sad every day that I don't bring them now), and also wants to thank Mo for the cookies and crackers (yes, Kashi is a good brand), and Kunti for the veggie pasta :-) We all know he likes to eat!
Oh and one more piece of news ... KD is next in line to be moved to one of the nicer rooms. He will soon have a private bathroom in his room with an actually door he can close when he uses the potty. How exciting! This whole experience has really redefined the meaning of "luxury" for all of us :-)
And I personally want to send a shout out to all the people at the hospital who sit eating their Burger King take-out under the "Please don't eat in waiting room" signs .. and those die-hards that take their cigarrette breaks in the "Please - No Smoking in this Area" sections :-) Fight the Power! ha ha .. I guess you gotta find the humor wherever you can find it in a hospital...
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