Tomorrow (Tuesday) he will probably have another dose of chemo. The variable is if/when they're going to do a lumbar puncture ... for those who don't know what that is, it's a spinal tap ... eeeeewww! owwwwie! I am cringing just thinking about it. Unfortunately it is common with this type of cancer to have some cells transfer to the fluid around the brain and spinal column. So they draw some fluid to see what's going on up in the old noggin.
If the test is negative, he fine. If not, he's got another type of chemo to undergo to catch that stuff floating around his precious brain box ... yikes! I am still cringing about that test.
Still no word on the DNA test, but Dr. May says that could take a full week so absolutely this week sometime we should know one way or the other.
He's been eating like a horse, supposedly a side effect of the steroids they have him on. And he's having vivid food fantasies and starting to request odd things. Like halavha and samosas, and his grandmother's baked ziti. He gobbles whatever I bring him and then lays there like a stunned snake digesting. I could probably paint his nails pink and do his hair in little braids and he wouldn't move a muscle :-)
Oh and he wanted to make sure everyone knew he's not wasting away in the hospital. It's not like TV where he's a withered, sickly patient who can hardly talk. He's actually much better than when we first checked him in because he's getting properly cared for. I'm posting a picture at the end here so you can see he's doing good.
And if you want to bother him, ask him if he's gotten into trouble with the chocolate milk yet :-) He'll know I said something about his crazy/bored plan to get into trouble.

1 comment:
Even more of a mischevious twinkle in his eye than usual! He is looking great! Ezra talks about the two of you every day and is very anxious about Aunt KD's ouchies getting taken care of.
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