Thankfully no chemo today. Just fluid IV drip. And he's still eating a lot, so that's a good sign. No more nausea. But he is starting the shed his hair a bit more than usual. Don't go in there expecting a shiny cue-ball head, but it's going to get pretty thin :-) I'm still rooting for a scalp tattoo while he has this opportunity, but he's not seeing it my way yet.
The boys dedicated the hockey game to KD today. One team was FOKD (friends of KD) and the other was Freekd (free KD) ... and quite a gang showed up. Thanks Kar for being the driving force behind that. More info on that soon. I stopped by briefly about an hour into the game and hung out with those too out-of-shape or afflicted-with-children to play. KD doesn't know the details yet, so let's keep it quiet until we find out if the video can be edited and sent over as a surprise! (Let me know about that guys.)
Drew liberated a laptop for him, but was thwarted by password protection, so maybe in the next few days KD will have a real link to the outside world! Yay!
Even though he gets tired walking to the communal kitchen to microwave his dinner, KD's still in good spirits and cheerful about everything. He's struggling to get good sleep, so if you call and he doesn't answer, he's probably trying to catch up. He's best in the afternoons. But please do call and say hi, even if you don't have much else to say.... 352-871-6263.
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