Monday, April 13, 2009


I know .. it's been ages since I've posted. Nothing terrible has happened. (Okay I had a mini insanity break and rejected all unnecessary responsibility briefly, but I'm back!)

KD is actually doing quite well. Today was his LAST radiation treatment (for the foreseeable future)... can I get a hip-hip-hooray! 

It's pretty crazy getting radiation zapped right at the old brain box, but everything went well so far. They say he can develop side effects for months and months, but we'll deal with that if it happens. They also said all of his hair would fall out and that's just not happened. His scalp is quite itchy but that's about it. He had a headache today and has been a bit tired. Other than that it seemed pretty routine and dull.

I told you that when he went in the first time they made this mask customized to his face to keep his head still? Well, since he was done radiation they let him bring it home. I am totally creeped out by it. I hope he doesn't plan on keeping it in the house. Or if he does, I may insist on locking it in a box in the closet. It looks like something out of a discount horror film.

Of course the week doesn't end for him here. He's got to schlep all the way to Jacksonville Tuesday to renew his green card. (That's a tangent I'm just NOT going on here, but let's just say it totally sucks.) And Wednesday he goes back to the clinic for another lumbar puncture.

Now that I'm back to being responsible, I'll try to keep up with important posts again. No promises though  :-)

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