Saturday, March 7, 2009


KD is going to be exhausted tomorrow. A friend stopped by for almost four hours today, so KD skipped the nap he badly needed. Then he absolutely had to go to a party this evening (happy 40th Sean!). All of the activity would have been normal before, but these days he gets so tired, so quickly. He actually told me when he was ready to leave the party (well before 11PM) instead of me being the one nagging him from 1AM to 2:30AM about "please I'm tired, can we go?"

It's an adjustment for him, especially on the days he feels relatively normal. It's an effort to watch everything he does and not push himself like he used to. No, can't party all night. No, can't eat acidic or spicy food. No, can't drive sometimes. No, don't avoid that nap if you feel tired. Learning how to take care of yourself and listen to your body is a normal part of growing up (and growing ... well okay, middle-aged). But instead of learning to slow down over a decade, it was like he had to jam on the brakes really fast and come to a screeching halt in a matter of a few weeks. Who wants to be hit with 25 extra years practically overnight?

And to add to the misery, instead of drinking a few beers with the guys out on the back porch tonight, he spent most of the party sitting with us girls on the patio talking about child birth, housekeeping, and how much our husbands annoyed us. 

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