March 10th 1982 ... 'Syzygy' - all 9 planets were gathered on the same side of the sun in almost a straight line.
What do these two events have in common, and why are they on the same day? If you read the Davinci Code, you might be able to piece together the clues from the deeply complex and subtle circular nature of events both under the control of human function and outside of our influence.
Yes, syzygy is really a word (awesome idea for Scrabble next time you have that hand of tiles that really sucks). It is when three or more planets are lined up along an axis, usually including the sun. And actually Alex called up Tommy to see if he wanted to go grab a pizza and a movie.
But the deeper meaning of this strange coincidence of both of these events falling on this day is even more astounding. Lean closer and I'll tell you... closer... I have to whisper it ...
It means "get your sh*t together ... and call KD ...."
Hmmmmm...... Okay I am not Nostradamus... that's just my interpretation. But KD is bored and could use a little entertainment (in short bursts) from anyone wanting to cheer up his days. He's moved from watching The Office on DVD to wallowing on YouTube now. This is a bad sign :-)
More chemo tomorrow. More chemo the day after. And the day after. It makes his tummy funny and he burps wicked crazy all day. Other than that, he's got good energy and is mooching around, always on the verge of getting into trouble. I think he's starting to miss work and friends and friends at work etc etc.
Just remember this word 'syzygy' (pronounced siz'i jee) and see if you can casually use it in conversation this week. If you are successful I suggest rewarding yourself handsomely ... buy yourself a pint of beer or a pint of Ben & Jerry's (maybe their next flavor should be Beer Goggles, hm?).
Alright, that's enough silliness for the night. Just remember ... Alex & Tommy and syzygy ... get your sh*t together and call KD.
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