This will be the last one for a while though. Now he just takes his pills daily and goes in tot he clinic once a week for labs/blood drawn, and to take another kind of pill. The stuff that they've been injecting into his spinal fluid ... this will now be a really cool and fun pill! Yay!
While KD was being set upon by needles, I was having terrible luck in my car. On the way to the hospital to get him, I got a speeding ticket ... no, I'm not going to complain ... I was doing 49 in a 30 m.p.h. zone. But still, that's a pricey ticket that I can't afford right now.
And good gravy! I almost witnessed a homicide in the parking garage not long after. It takes forever to get out of the garage (I'm sure I've mentioned this at length before), and the guy in front of me was trying to use some kind of parking certificate instead of paying. But his certificate was for the West garage not the East garage. He made a huge fuss and made the toll attendant call her supervisor and everything. It's $3.00 for the love of god! The cars were backed up waiting for more than five minutes and it was flipping hot (so it felt like five hours).
Two different drivers from back in the line got out of their cars and came up, yelling and cussing at the guy to pay the damn $3.00 and quit holding up the line. Swear to god, I was sure someone was going to go ape-shit. Finally the guy paid and left. I can imagine if it was $10 or something bigger but you can't even get a loaf of bread for this much and it was really self-involved to stop the universe for something so trivial.
Anyhow, I finally managed to get out of the garage, pick up KD from the front entrance (still stoned on the Ativan), and shuffle him home and into bed. He is now parked in front of the TV, groaning and mumbling. At least he can eat. He's experimenting with tabbouleh recipes (yes there's a slight burnt smell in the air from the kitchen). He's not at 100%, but if he eats light meals, he's doing good.
Oh yeah, and he claims the hair is growing back on his head. I see no evidence of this but he says it feels fuzzy :-) He definitely has a scraggly goatee going on and refuses to trim it. If only I could find the darn camera and catch a picture of him without him flailing his arms in front of the lens....